Saturday, October 24, 2009

Watchin' me..Watchin' me...Watchin' me....

I have this huge window in the flat which unfortunately opens only from the bottom half in an outwards motion ( if that makes any sense) I don't really understand this window : it doesn't allow any air to flow in and out of this hole or our flat and it's just illogical...

However, I do like the fact that it is quite a tall window so when I'm staring out of it ,like right now , I can see these huge massive gray fluffy clouds passing over's a sky like no other , the London sky , and I’m finding that I’m not understanding what  the big fuss about the weather is anyway???....

Can you believe that it's October already? Mindboggling! An overused adjective which I absolutely adore! Mindboggling! In fact, here I sit with my boggled mind as I try to write this here blog and fill it with mindboggling observations ....

For starters I’ve got these awful bug bites all up the right side of my body. They're incredible and seem to flare up sporadically, leaving me well boggled!...I find that from time to time I'll itch myself under my right sleeve possibly when I'm in the middle of teaching those delicate intricacies of the English why there IS a difference between I remembered going to the park w- grandpa and I remembered to go to the park. Is teaching English making me itchy?

Who knows?! Someone suggested they might be bed bugs! EW! So why doesn't Luca have them? We've even traded places to see if he might get bitten and he is clear! We sprayed the mattress and yes Mom we're getting another cover for it!(and yes mom if it keeps up , I'll go see the doctor)

Let's see other observations about this town

Well, let's say I knew about Britian's obsession with security cameras ! They are everywhere! In fact, I have just read that they will start spending 380 quid a minute to follow online activity here! I guess the thing that kinda spooked me out the most was when I was out running the other day (another thing I find some English love to do: run while carrying a mini backpack home from work) a little smart car like vehicle approached me with a video camera on top of the roof !! I stopped still wanting to act like a "cheeky lil' monkey" and shook my head in disbelief ...

Did the Islington surveillance team sense that they had come face to face with a hard core rebel ?! A dissident?! a tough non conformist?! a freedom fighter ?! .....Probably not...they probably mistook my shake of the head for a neck exercise or something...

Anyway, am I the only one who thinks they've gone overboard? Oddly enough I arrived here just as they were broadcasting the last few episodes of the last season of Big Brother  , but the reality is that this is an ongoing affair....

So anyway check out the link to Jill Scott's "watching me" song! She pretty much sums it up! And of course underlines how we Americans are no stranger s to the "grande fratetllo"

